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Year Two

Mrs Senior is the teacher in our Year Two class. Mrs Hinchliffe teaches on a Tuesday morning or afternoon and all day Thursday. Our PE day is Thursday.

Class Saint

St Francis of Assisi. The Patron Saint of Animals and Ecology. Feast day is 4th October. 

St Francis was a man of wealth and business who had a dream that God told him he had it all wrong. St Francis became a man of God who gave up all his possessions and began to preach. Others joined his simple life. St Francis had a deep relationship with nature - he felt all of God's creation was part of his brotherhood. He wrote the beautiful Canticle of the Sun that expresses this brotherhood with creation. 

St Francis of Assisi, pray for us.

Autumn Term Curriculum Overview


Recognise tens and ones. Partition numbers to 100. Compare and order numbers. Count in 2s, 5s, 10s and 3s. Add and subtract to the next 10. Add and subtract across 10. 10 more and 10 less. Add and subtract 2 digit numbers. Lines of symmetry


Identify adjectives and adverbs. Write simple sentences. Use capital letters and full stops. Form letters correctly. Leave consistent spaces between words. Spell common words correctly. Talk about ideas before writing


Creation and Covenant

· Story of Noah

· Understand stewardship

· Baptism

· Old and New Testament

Prophecy and Promise

· Retell the Annunciation, birth of John and birth of Jesus

· Know prophets communicate God’s message

· Know Zechariah and Isaiah as prophets

· Advent as a time of preparation


Y2 will be studying Sheffield’s Industrial Past. Key learning includes:

· Know and use the terms past, present and future

· Know that timelines show order of events

· Know who Benjamin Huntsman is

· Know about the Sheffield Steel Industry

· Know how the Steel Industry changed Sheffield


Design and Technology



Invasion Games



Pulse / Metre

