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Mrs Swift is the teacher in our Reception class. Our PE day is Tuesday.

Class Saint

St Nicholas. Patron Saint of Children. Feast day is 6th December.

St Nicholas was a Bishop who devoted himself to caring for the poor and protecting children. He was a defender of truth and justice and during the persecution of Christians, he upheld the divinity of Christ. St Nicholas is an important figure in The Netherlands where, on his feast day, children put out shoes for St Nicholas to fill with gifts. Dutch immigrants took the legend and traditions of St Nicholas with them to the USA along with his nickname Sinterklaas which eventually became Santa Claus and part of the Christmas holiday.  

St Nicholas, pray for us


Autumn Term Curriculum Overview


Creation and Covenant

Children will know that:

God made them, God loves them, and they are part of a family. They should look after themselves and each other. God made our world. We should look after God’s world. We are all invited to be part of God’s family.

Communication and Language

Understand why listening is important. Learn and use new vocabulary. Answer questions. Articulate their thoughts in well-formed sentences. Engage in story times and learn rhymes and songs

Physical Development

Take risks in their play and start to manage their own safety. Be able to dress and undress for the outdoors independently. Practice climbing, balancing and transporting objects. Develop a more fluent style of moving.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

See themselves as a valuable individual. Understand a range of feelings. Use the toilet and snack area independently. Discuss internet safety and know about sensible amounts of screen time. Be supported in making friends and asking others to join in their play. Know basic rules around road safety


Read individual letters by saying the sounds for them. Start blending sounds into words. Start to form lowercase letters independently. Understand how to handle books and that books are precious. Use ‘Fred fingers’ to start writing words.


Subitising (saying how many objects there are in a set by just seeing – not counting). Counting objects (1:1 correspondence). Know that the last number they say when counting objects tells them how many objects there are altogether. Composition of numbers 3, 4, 5. Use the language of more and fewer. Verbal counting to 20

Understanding the World

Explore the natural world around them. Describe what they see, hear and feel whilst outside. Explore the change in the season from Summer into Autumn. Talk about members of their immediate family. Talk about figures from the past (including an introduction to our class Saint). Recognise our community and celebrations (including harvest, Christmas, and Bonfire Night) and how different people have different celebrations. Comment on events from the past (including remembrance day)

Expressive Arts and Design

Express themselves in different ways (eg. paints, model making, woodwork). Work together to create different outcomes. Move to music. Explore instruments to create their own music. Learn a range of songs. Develop storylines during roleplay.